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Author of feel-good and
funny romances.

Lark Holiday lives in California with her opinionated dogs and her human family. When she’s not writing, she spends her time going for walks, vacuuming dog hair, and feeling like she should probably be writing.

Over the past several decades, Lark has lived in many small towns across Alaska. This helped inspire her first series, Darling Men. All of her stories focus on small towns, more humor than heat, and kind-hearted heroes.

Besides writing and the dogs (most days), Lark’s other great love in life is travel. She just returned from the Black Forest and Belize. Next on the list are Scotland and Norway. New places always help inspire new stories and are a much needed break from vacuuming. If you have any travel recommendations, Lark would love to hear from you!

Some of Lark’s other favorite things in life include exploring new grocery stores everywhere she travels, eating as much ice cream as possible (can be combined with the previous item), and waking up without an alarm.

Her dislikes include anything lavender-scented, BBQ sauce on pizza, and writing About pages.

body of water by the island